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Companies’ ART needs

By 6 November 2023April 28th, 2024No Comments

In September, many companies turn to us to meet three essential needs:

1. Personalized Greeting Cards:
Creating a greeting card that stands out from the crowd and reflects you can be a challenge. That’s where we come in, with a team of 50 talented artists ready to work closely with you. We offer you a tailor-made artistic experience where your vision and your company are at the heart of the creative process. You’ll have the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with our artists to design a unique and original work of art that captures your company’s DNA. This artwork can then be adapted as a greetings card, electronic signature, or even serve as the basis for a variety of other applications. We firmly believe that every company is unique, and our artists are here to help you translate this uniqueness into a work of art and greeting card that will leave a lasting impression on your customers, partners and employees.

Carte sur mesure pour la marque Tiffany

2. Team Building
Team building is a crucial issue for any company seeking to motivate, build loyalty and encourage cohesion among its teams. We understand the importance of this approach and propose an innovative solution: Happy and Arty Team Building. This short, half-day experience is designed to go beyond traditional group activities by focusing on artistic expression as a means of strengthening bonds within your company. Whether you choose to hold this event on your premises or in an unexpected and inspiring location, we believe that art offers a neutral perspective, removed from the usual professional setting, that frees up participants’ speech and sensibility. Our team will guide you in exploring how art can reflect your company’s identity, values, mission and culture. By collaborating together, your employees will have the opportunity to participate in a collective work of art that symbolizes these elements. This process encourages creativity, strengthens internal communication and enhances the commitment of your teams, while creating a memorable souvenir of this unique experience.

Portrait d'équipe

Collaborative work by Great Place To Work® France

3. Sales animation

Online sales are on the increase in all sectors. Yet stores remain indispensable for advice, fitting and experience. That’s why so many brands call on our artists, specialized in live portraits to leave their customers with a moving, arty souvenir. These artists can also take part in your conventions, seminars or customer cocktail parties. Find out more about the artists who come to our customers’ premises to create animations here.

Live sketching

Veronika in action

Contact us today to find out how we can help make your business the most successful piece of art in your collection!

Nathalie and Caroline