Would you like to talk to us? Meet us? Ask us a question?
Write us here and we will answer you as soon as possible!

Don’t forget that we love to talk with our clients and advise you on your projects, answer your questions or even organize a virtual visit of your interior to better understand your artistic sensibility and your universe. Make an appointment with us, it’s always nice to talk…
You will receive an answer very quickly!
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, want more information, want to become a partner or even just want to say hello. We are at your disposal and always try to answer you as soon as possible!
Don’t forget to consult the FAQ.
The answer to your question may be there!

Nathalie Boscq, contact France!
+33 6 48 16 06 90
Caroline Filou Heukamp, international contact!
+49 172 680 69 86