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Every opportunity is good to tell people you love that you love them!

Are you looking for an original, unique and personalised gift? For Christmas, a birthday, a wedding, a birth, a baptism, a celebration or a retirement… A personalised portrait is the assurance to move and please your loved ones. In case of hesitation, you can opt for a gift card and let your loved ones choose the artist.

Family Portraits

Portrait of a wonderful, large, happy, reconstructed, eccentric family …

Gift for the family

Portrait of beloved grandparents, of Grandpa, Grandpa, Grandpa, Grandma, Grandma, whatever their little name, we love them.

Grandparents' gift

Portraits of lovers

A real fairy tale, they got married and had many children…

Wedding gift

Portrait of lost lovers, transits, passionate, languorous kisses…

PS: Great idea for Valentine’s Day!

Lover's gift

Portraits for young and old

Cute, cute, crunchy portraits of our beloved children and grandchildren …

Children's gift

My great friends, my girlfriends, my buddies, friends in life, in death …

Friends gift

Portraits of our faithful companions

Short hairs, long hairs, big, small, they are our faithful companions …

Animal gift

Cats, rabbits, horses, hamsters, our animal friends…

pet gift

The ultimate personalised gift: a tailor-made portrait!

Why order a personalised gift?

When you are looking for a gift, several criteria may be taken into account in your final decision, criteria that will be more or less important depending on your expectations. In choosing to offer a personalised portrait, your main objective may be to surprise the recipient with an original gift that resembles them. This surprise can be accompanied by very specific objectives, such as offering a humorous gift or a more sentimental gift, to match the recipient’s personality for example. There are many reasons why you might choose a personalised gift rather than a more traditional gift to which you have not been able to add your personal touch. Indeed, you have identified the result you wish to obtain and the artist who was the most adapted to the recipient. A photo and 3 clicks later, it’s done.

What appeals to us about personalised gifts

It is obvious that personalising a gift for the purpose of giving it is a step that in itself brings satisfaction to the recipient. But before choosing the product you want to offer, we advise you to take the time to ask yourself what you want to achieve through this product: laughter, emotion, nostalgia, originality… This will make it easier to choose the photo to be transformed into a work of art and the artist.

Surprise and originality of a personalised gift

Isn’t this one of the main reasons why we go for personalisation? Don’t you think that the main purpose of personalised gifts is to surprise and to be original? They allow us to completely revisit our way of giving and pleasing others by distinguishing ourselves from traditional gifts. Some will even say that it is not necessary to detail this precise point since it is systematically associated and implied in the very notion of offering tailor-made gifts. For the sake of completeness, let us nevertheless take the time to detail this omnipresent and crucial objective in the mind of the person who is at the origin of the gift.

Emotion at the heart of the personalised gift

Emotion is the second argument cited after surprise and originality. Indeed, isn’t the personal investment that you are going to put into your gift intended to make your gifts unique and exceptional in the eyes of their recipients? Isn’t your objective to play on emotion? I think I speak for all of us when I say that it is very appreciable to receive gifts in the name of love or friendship, gestures that will further strengthen the bond between us. The value of a gift is measured above all by the personal involvement of the person seeking to please you.

Use of memories and photos in a playful way

Beyond the notion of surprise, it makes sense in this day and age to try to use your photos to take them out of the archives and give them some life? We evolve with more and more powerful tools at our side, allowing us to take pictures and more generally to keep memories of all the moments that matter to us. We all have treasures in our phones: our children, young and old, family lunches, romantic weekends, friends’ getaways, our pets, in short all the people who are precious to us.

Your creativity for your personalised gifts

You want to surprise with a custom product and you have already selected the photo or memory you want to enhance, so it’s time to use your creativity to select the right visual and brief the artist on your expectations. Moreover, this preparation work will bring you a personal satisfaction that will encourage you to use your creativity more often.

A rich and varied catalogue of artists ready to create your personal portrait

You will be seduced by the diversity of our catalogue of artists that can meet specific needs and if you still can’t decide, let the Happy Funky Sisters.

Easy to order your personalised portrait

The last point we will cover to illustrate what motivates us to offer bespoke portraits is a more practical point on how to order. I think it is worth reminding you that you can order your personalised portrait in just three clicks. You can order easily and with complete peace of mind and then receive your product at home. Everything has been designed to make it easy for you to order from the comfort of your own home.