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Corinne, designer šŸ‡«šŸ‡·

Discover the portraits made by Corinne

Corinne's Happy Life

For as long as she can remember, Corinne has been passionate about horses and animals.

She started riding at the age of three and continued her career in eventing and show jumping. Later on, dressage will be a discipline with a brilliant record of success.

Very young attracted by drawing, her school notebooks were the first supports of her equine and animal sketches. After graduating from Penninghen in interior architecture, she devoted herself to the realization of fitting-out projects, gave advice in decoration and furnishing and realized in parallel various artistic creations: logo, illustrations, cover of books etc… before making the choice to devote herself exclusively to drawing which she masters to express her feeling of the equestrian world and to retranscribe the lightness, the grace and the power which the animal world inspires her.

Corinne's Happy STYLE

Listed at Drouot since 2006, Corinne is now a recognised artist who regularly exhibits her work in France and abroad. The precision of her pencil line has also earned her selection by the prestigious HermĆØs house for which she has been creating animal portraits since 2016.

As a revelator of the living, Corinne captures the subtle essence of each animal and pays homage to it by restoring its soul on paper and offering it to the spectator.

A complete animal artist, she creates custom-made portraits for all budgets, always with passion and sensitivity.

Why we LOVE Corinne

We are totally impressed by the drawings of the talented Corinne. It is with extreme precision and finesse that she brings animals to life on paper. A technical feat as much as a declaration of love, because only her admiration for animals can allow her to enter their intimacy in this way.

We are very proud to welcome him to our Happy Funky family so that you can turn the photos of your faithful companions into works of art!

Le Happy Funky PORTRAIT de Corinne

ā™„ Do you remember your first aesthetic shock?
When, as a child, I saw a work of art being born under the brushes of my mother, who was also an artist. I marvelled at its magic.

ā™„ The artist you would like to meet? What would you say to her?
Well, this is going to sound really strange, but I’ll tell you this recent story: first of all, I would like to clarify that I communicate intuitively with animals (this is my 2nd professional activity), but also with humans and all life forms in the broadest sense.

Last week, a friend of mine called me and started telling me stories about Picasso, about whom she had done a lot of research when she was an antique dealer (she has been retired for several years now). I don’t really have a feeling for this artist who was, it seems, quite hard and sometimes violent, especially with women. I don’t like cubism at all, but I find his line drawings very interesting. Anyway, we were talking, when I feel that Picasso is sending me information (in telepathic form), about his life and some of his works. My friend validated my intuitive feelings, as she knows this artist very well, whereas I was not aware of certain details. We had a sort of 3-way conversation during which he suggested that I get out of the technique and draw with my soul by closing my eyes and letting her guide me. At the end I asked him if he had any students and I “heard” a voice with a Latin accent say “they are all jerks!” We had a good laugh and I haven’t yet put the Master’s advice into practice, but this is the kind of encounter that I find exceptional, even if it is not necessarily audible to the general public.

Otherwise, I think Leonardo da Vinci and his mysteries would be at the top of the list. I would be very curious to find out his secrets.

ā™„ What is your favourite colour?
Red, for the warmth, its dynamics, the passion that this colour inspires and is my driving force when I draw.

ā™„ Which museum gives you the greatest emotion? Why or why not?
When I was a child, my maternal grandparents often took me to visit museums. My fondest memories: the Louvre, Egypt department and the MusĆ©e de l’Homme and its cave paintings. You realise that art has been an integral part of human life since the beginning of time, and that the works of art bear witness to our history. It is extremely moving to connect with our past through works of art.

ā™„ What piece of art would you buy without hesitation if you had an unlimited budget?
As a horse enthusiast, it would certainly be a work representing a horse! In sculpture, probably a bronze by Frederic Jager or a terracotta from the Ming dynasty. In painting, there are so many incredible artists, some of whom are friends of mine… I have a lot of admiration for Jean-Louis Sauvat who is also a talented horseman, so I think I would start with one of his works to make my dream collection.

ā™„ In which city do you feel happiest? Why do you think so? Share your 3 favourite addresses.
I certainly don’t feel happiest in the city anymore, but in my garden! But if I were to go for a walk, it would be to Rome or London with great pleasure.

ā™„ What book keeps you up all night?
Barjavel’s novels, especially “The Night of Time” and “Ravage”, some of Bernard Werber’s books: “Pandora’s Box” is the last one I read by him.

ā™„ What are your greatest sources of inspiration?
The beauty of nature in all its forms: animals of course and mainly horses and felines, but also the perfection of the colours of the trees, the shapes of the flowers, the transparency of the stones, the powdery of the butterflies’ wings, the metallic reflections of some beetles… It’s such a richness that I never get bored.

ā™„ What’s the funkiest thing you’ve done in your life?
Talking to animals! https://www.connexion-intuitive.com/

ā™„ What is your definition of happiness?
It is the harmony of the heart. Knowing how to revel in the simple things and savouring the beauties that surround us. Exchanging and surrounding myself with beautiful people with whom I share a vision of life and values. It is a kind of philosophy that we have to cultivate and protect carefully every day.

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