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How does the Happy Funky Family choose its artists?

By 10 June 2021May 23rd, 2024No Comments

How are the artists of the Happy Funky Family selected?

The Happy Funky Sisters, Caroline and Nathalie promised themselves that one day they would create a concept that would support creation and artists. Their dream became reality in September 2020 with the launch of Happy Funky Family, which brings the commissioned portrait back to life.

However, without artists, no Happy Funky Family! They are the ones who transform your photos into works of art and motivate your choice to go through our site to order your portrait.

A wide and varied catalogue of artists

Thanks to the Happy Funky Family, it is no longer necessary to pose for hours like the Mona Lisa in front of Leonardo da Vinci to order a portrait. Simply upload a photo, select an artist according to your artistic taste and budget on happyfunkyfamily.com and you’re done.

The artists are the key to the concept. They must come from different techniques, painting, drawing, digital illustration, sculpture, embroidery and must be able to transform your mobile phone photos into a work of art…

A clearly defined style

Each artist is selected for their technique and style. Their style must be clearly identified so that our clients can choose the artist knowing what result they will get when they place an order.

We test each artist beforehand with love and kindness. They receive a photo of the Happy Funky Sisters and a brief and are asked to produce a portrait under the usual online commissioning conditions. The result often exceeds our expectations, but it happens that some artists do not succeed in making a good likeness or in providing a sufficiently aesthetic portrait.

However, if the test is conclusive, it remains the final stage of the filter of our artistic selection committee before integrating our catalogue.

Finally a decoration that looks like you!Common values

The Happy Funky Sisters have promised each other that they will work on this project with joy, good humour and goodwill. Our artists must obviously be on the same wavelength.

Buying a commissioned portrait means buying a work of art full of emotion, yours and the artist’s. You will therefore find on the site a lot of information about the artists: their biography, the details of their technique, the reason why we have chosen them as well as a happy questionnaire which reveals their personality.

Motivation is of course the primary selection criterion. The artists of the Happy Funky Family are committed to doing everything possible to satisfy our customers and deliver a work that will make them happy…

Additional printing for family or friends

Reasonable rates

Of course, prices are a major issue for the artists, for the customers and for the Happy Funky Family!

The artists sell their work to us at the price they have set. If we are not satisfied with this price, we do not collaborate. The primary mission of the Happy Funky Family is to support art, creation and artists. This is achieved by respecting their work and by paying them in proportion to the time spent, the material used and the market rate.

The catalogue is mainly composed of emerging artists from all over the world. However, some artists have exhibited in renowned galleries or in prestigious shows, which sometimes explains their higher prices.

Each Happy Funky Family portrait is made to order, by hand, by an artist in their studio. The artist will analyse the photos and brief submitted before getting to work. Some websites offer customised portraits at unbeatable prices. Be aware that in this case, they often use artificial intelligence (which can give amazing results) or pay their artists badly.

A passionate team!

Passionate about art

From a very young age, we were exposed to art and beauty by our parents. Of course, visiting museums when you are 5, 10 or 15 years old is not always a pleasure and we used to drag our feet. Our favourite places were the cafeteria where we were rewarded with a cola… However, these forced visits allowed us to forge an eye, to rub shoulders with art in all its forms and to develop our passion and critical sense. Of course, as adults, we continued to visit exhibitions, galleries and museums… and took our own children along!

Former buyers

Caroline and Nathalie are two former buyers. Curious and nosy by nature, they love to unearth new talent, to mix genres and are always looking for talented artists to add to their catalogue of portraitists.

All the means are good: survey galleries and art fairs, make a press review on art and emerging artists, analyze online art galleries and consult their offer, subscribe to newsletters and specialized newspapers and finally be on the lookout for everything that comes out on social networks and subscribe to the right accounts and groups…

Sourcing new artists is a passion. The walls of our respective flats prove it! By the way, don’t hesitate to check out this superb photo report, made by our regular photographer, Dorothée Piroelle, on Nathalie’s colourful and folklo interior.


We have both lived abroad for about twenty years in more than ten different countries between us. For Caroline: Germany, Denmark, Spain, Brazil, Portugal and for Nathalie: Germany, Romania, India and Serbia. During our travels, we had the chance to meet talented artists with whom we now collaborate. We also had the chance to rub shoulders with very different artistic sensibilities depending on the country. These experiences have enriched our culture and forged our taste. They have also allowed us to be very open and to appreciate diverse and varied worlds.

Artistic selection committee

A few months ago, Nathalie and Caroline decided to form an artistic selection committee to help them in their selection of artists. As sisters, they have received the same education, and have always been close friends, they like the same things. It was therefore imperative to create a mixed committee (men and women), made up of a great art history professional, Sabine Pasdelou, and a client, Philippe Gras, a lover of decoration and art. Their opinions and constructive criticism count a lot and enrich our approach.

personalized and tailor-made portrait for the Happy Funky FamilyIf you know of talented artists who could enrich our catalogue, do not hesitate to put us in touch with them. Finally, if you would like to have a portrait but cannot find what you are looking for in our catalogue, do not hesitate to tell us. We will immediately start hunting for the pearl that could satisfy you! Contact us on [email protected]